Bizarre Requirements for Visa Application

办签证的奇葩条件英文,Bizarre Requirements for Visa Application  第1张

When you’re ready to travel abroad, the first thing you need to obtain is a visa. However, in some cases, the process of obtaining a visa can be complicated and even bizarre. Below are some of the most unusual requirements that applicants have encountered while applying for visas.

1. Providing an Ancestor’s Death Certificate

When Australian Senator Lucy Gichuhi applied for an Australian visa for her mother, she was shocked to find out that she had to provide her ancestor’s death certificate. Apparently, this requirement is meant to ensure that the applicant is not a descendant of convicts who were previously deported from Australia. While this requirement may seem strange, it’s part of the Australian government’s ongoing efforts to maintain the integrity of its borders.

2. Submitting a Certificate of Good Conduct

One of the most common requirements for obtaining a visa is submitting a certificate of good conduct. This is a way for governments to ensure that the applicant has no criminal history and is not a threat to the country they are looking to visit. However, while this is a common requirement, some countries have taken it to the extreme. For instance, in Egypt, applicants are required to submit not only their own certificate of good conduct but also that of their parents, siblings, and spouse.

3. Providing a Bank Statement

Another common requirement for obtaining a visa is to provide a bank statement. This is to ensure that the applicant has the financial means to support themselves during their visit. However, in some cases, the requirement can be quite strict. For instance, in the United Kingdom, applicants are required to provide a bank statement that shows they have at least £1,890 in savings. This requirement is meant to ensure that the applicant can afford their stay in the UK without needing assistance from the government.

4. Passing a Quiz

While it’s rare, some countries require applicants to pass a quiz before they can obtain a visa. For instance, in Norway, applicants must pass a test on Norwegian language and culture before they can obtain a visa. Similarly, in the United States, some applicants must pass a civics test before they can obtain a green card. While this requirement may seem strange, it’s intended to promote integration and ensure that immigrants are prepared to live and work in the country they’re hoping to visit or immigrate to.

5. Providing a No-Objection Letter

In some cases, applicants are required to submit a no-objection letter from their employer. This is to ensure that the applicant has a job to return to after their visit. However, in some countries, this requirement is taken to the extreme. For instance, in Saudi Arabia, female applicants are required to submit a no-objection letter from their male guardian. This is to ensure that they have permission to travel and are not violating any of the country’s strict gender segregation laws.

These are just a few examples of the bizarre requirements that applicants have encountered while applying for visas. While frustrating and inconvenient, it’s essential to keep in mind that these requirements are part of the process of maintaining the integrity of a country’s borders and ensuring the safety of its citizens.