- 1、泰国旅游景点英文介绍
- 2、英语介绍泰国(翻译一下啦
- 3、关于泰国的英语介绍
1,曼谷泰国大王宫(Grand palace, Bangkok, Thailand)
Bangkok Thailand's grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand's Bangkok dynasty king I to king viii.
The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bangkok.
Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bangkok.
2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)
Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bangkok grand palace.
It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.
The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.
3,普吉岛(Island of phuket)
Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.
Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.
phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.
It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.
Thailand is the multinational country which is composed by more than30 nationalities, 泰族 accounts for the population total 40%, theold race accounts for 35%, the Malaya race accounts for 3.5%, theCambodian race accounts for 2% and so on. In addition also has theseedling, precious, the cassiabarktree, 汶, the crown, brushes offand so on the mountainous region nationality. Thai is a nationallanguage. Buddhism is Thailand's national religion, 90% aboveinhabitant believes Buddhism, the Malaya race believes in theIslamism, but also has minority believes in the Christianityprotestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism and 锡克教. Several forhundred years, Thailand's manners and customs, the literature, art andthe building and so on nearly all have the close relation withBuddhism. To the Thai traveling, the clergy which everywhere obviouslythe body throws over the decadent cassock, as well as splendid temple.Therefore, Thailand also has "yellow gown India" fine reputation.Buddhism has molded the moral standard for the Thai, caused it to formthe advocation, to exercise forbearance, is peaceful and likes peacethe spiritual style.
The Kingdom of Thailand is called Thailand for short.
It is a constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia.
Thailand is located in the central part of the Central South Peninsula.
It borders the north, Myanmar and the Andaman Sea in the west, Laos in the northeast, Cambodia in the southeast and Malaysia in the south.
Thailand is a member and founder of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as a member of APEC, ASEM and WTO.
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