

魔女卟哭 09-06 10
个人出国签证申请书,个人出国签证申请信写作技巧与样例摘要: 个人出国签证申请书/信写作技巧与样例前往海外旅游、留学、商务出差等,都需要申请出国签证。写出一份令使领馆官员信服的个人出国签证申请书或信对于签证的申请很有帮助。这篇文章将向您介绍如...




1. 撰写个人信息部分

写作个人出国签证申请书/信时,要在开端提供个人信息,方便领馆官员核实身份。写作者须向领事馆官员提供准确的个人信息,包括姓名、出生地、联系方式、护照 *** 和有效期、居民身份证 *** 、目的地等。

2. 引出个人出国目的和行程


3. 证明财力和经济状况


4. 提供其他信件证明


5. 用清晰的语言描述出行和归国计划


6. 结尾部分孝敬推销自己



To Consulate General of Japan

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good day! I am writing to kindly request a visa application for my upcoming trip to Japan. My name is Zhang Ying, a Chinese national who currently resides in Beijing. My passport number is G19876543, and it is valid until January 2028.

The purpose of my trip to Japan is touri *** . I always dream of visiting Japan to learn more about its culture, and experience the beautiful landscapes there. I am excited to plan my trip, which requires me to stay in Japan for 15 days, from April 1, 2022, to April 15, 2022. The planned itinerary includes a visit to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Hokkaido. I will be travelling alone and I have booked my accommodation in each of these cities. I enclose my round-trip tickets together with my visa application form for your kind attention.

I am employed as an accountant in an international company in Beijing. I earn an annual salary of CNY 800,000 and have attached the required financial documents to prove my ability to support myself throughout my stay in Japan. I have also applied for a leave of absence from my job during the duration of my trip, and received approval from my employer.

I have studied Japanese for two years and I have obtained the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) certificate, level N3 last year. I have enclosed the certificate together with my visa application form for your reference. I am confident of my ability to navigate around and communicate with the locals during my trip.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration of my application. I appreciate any assistance that can be given in the processing of my application and am available at any time if you require additional information.

Yours faithfully,

Zhang Ying


作者:魔女卟哭本文地址:http://www.dzly7777.com/taiguo188275.html发布于 09-06
