曼谷 [màn gǔ]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
曼谷 [màn gǔ] [曼谷]基本解释
[Bangkok] 泰国首都。人口550万
曼谷(泰文:กรุงเทพมหานคร;英文:Bangkok),是泰国首都和最大城市,别名“天使之城”,位于昭披耶河东岸,南临暹罗湾,中南半岛最大城市,东南亚第二大城市,为泰国政治、经济、贸易、交通、文化、科技、教育、宗教与各方面中心。曼谷是繁华的国际大都市,是贵金属和宝石的交易中心。经济占泰国总量的44%,曼谷港承担著泰国90%的外贸。曼谷旅游业十分发达,被评选为2013全球最受欢迎旅游城市。曼谷是国际活动中心之一,每年有多达二、三百起的各种国际会议在此举行。城内设有联合国亚太经社委员会总部、世界银行、世界卫生组织、国际劳工组织以及20多个国际机构的区域办事处。曼谷被誉为“佛教之都”,是“世... 更多→ 曼谷
[曼谷]相关搜寻 曼谷的曼四字词语 曼谷的曼组成语
曼谷 Bangkok means City of Angels,but a less angelic city may be difficult to find.A collage of urban squalor,gleaming affluence,abject poverty,exotic consumerism and astounding pollution,it's a city ...
1,曼谷泰国大王宫(Grand palace, Bangkok, Thailand)
Bangkok Thailand's grand palace, also known as the Palace Museum, is the palace of the king of Thailand's Bangkok dynasty king I to king viii.
The grand palace covers a total area of 218,400 square meters and is located in the center of the capital Bangkok.
Nestled beside the chao phraya river, it is the most spectacular collection of ancient buildings in Bangkok.
2,玉佛寺(The jade Buddha temple)
Jade Buddha temple is located in the northeast corner of Bangkok grand palace.
It is the most famous buddhist temple in Thailand and one of the three national treasures of Thailand.
The jade Buddha temple, built in 1784, is part of the grand palace of Thailand.
3,普吉岛(Island of phuket)
Phuket, the "pearl" of the andaman sea and the largest island in Thailand, is a typical tourist resort in southeast Asia.
Pattaya, famous for its sunshine, sand beach and seafood, is known as the "Oriental Hawaii" and is a world famous new seaside resort.
phi island is about 20 kilometers southeast of phuket, Thailand.
It is a sister island of two main islands, the big pipi in the north and the small pipi in the south.
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