



1. stm就是shtml的简写,shtml是服务器动态产成的html。shtml和html的区别,如果用一句话来解释就是:shtml 不是html,而是一种服务器 api,shtml是服务器动态产成的html。利用shtml格式的页面目的和 asp 差不多,但是因为是 api 所以运转速度更快,效率更高,比asp快,比html慢,但由于可以使用服务器端包含,因此使页面更新容易(特别是批量更新banner,版权等.2.  stm:scanning tunneling microscope 即扫描隧道显微镜。the scanning tunneling microscope (stm) is widely used in both industrial and fundamental research to obtain atomic-scale images of metal surfaces. it provides a three-dimensional profile of the surface which is very useful for characterizing surface roughness, observing surface defects, and determining the size and conformation of molecules and aggregates on the surface. several other recently developed scanning microscopies also use the scanning technology developed for the stm. a precursor instrument, the topografiner, was invented by russell young and colleagues between 1965 and 1971 at the national bureau of standards (nbs) [currently the national institute of standards and technology (nist)].隧道扫描显微技术是在1981年有宾尼和罗拉尔发的,这种设备具有高灵敏度,并且可获得0.01nm的纵向分辨率。这种设备不但可以应用于超高真空里(uhv-stm),而且可应用于大气环境里(大气stm技术)和液体状态下(电解质stm技术)。3. stm: synchronous transfer module 同步传输模块4. sdh的基本速率是155.52mb/s 称为第1级同步传输模块,即stm-1,相当于sonet体系中oc-3的速率。5. stm: short term memory 短时记忆 (心理学术语)6. st micro ecectics(st: sgs & tomson)一种微处理器,热门的有stm327. stm:轨道信息接收单元,是利用电磁感应接收流经钢轨的信号电流,2条钢轨的信号被stm天线接收传送到atp主机柜上的stm,stm对信号进行选择解调。8. stm: simulated test marketing. 市场研究中用于预测新产品市场潜力的一类方法。目前市场上主流产品包括1)bases - 由美籍华人林英祥博士(dr. lynn lin)发明。现在bases已经被nielsen收购。2)ipsos novaction。